In accordance with the rules and principles of the construction industry while maintaining good relations with the client …….. this is our Mission


Do you have a construction project that we can help you with?

Our mission

In accordance with the rules and principles of the construction industry while maintaining good relations with the client


We perform our duties with full commitment


Dozens of completed projects and hundreds of satisfied customers


The projects were carried out professionally, according to the rules and on time


Our company was founded in 1999. Since then, she has completed many single-family housing buildings and small commercial facilities.

Preparation of the investment

We check building documentation, we organize tenders for the selection of the General Contractor. We run financial settlements of construction sites

Investment supervision

We supervise the construction industry, installation, road and green industries. We supervise works in historic buildings.

Receipt of investments

We carry out final acceptance of apartments and houses, from developers

Costing of works

We offer costing services. We work on NORMA EXPERT programs using current price databases

Damage valuation

W ramach tej usługi wykonujemy szacowanie szkód w obiektach ubezpieczonych. Szacowanie obejmuje wizję lokalną na obiekcie, dokonanie niezbędnych pomiarów i badań

Technical opinions and expert opinions

W ramach tej usługi wykonujemy oceny stanu technicznego obiektów i budowli. Przygotowujemy opinie techniczne wraz z odpowiednią dokumentacją techniczną.

Building inspections

W związku z koniecznością dokonywania corocznych przeglądów obiektów budowlanych (oraz przeglądów pięcioletnich) proponujemy Państwu wykonanie takiej usługi w zakresie budowlanym, elektrycznym i instalacyjnym


These customers trust us

Successful realizations

Many years of experience and a number of completed works. We invite you to use the services of our company. We will not let you down!